Thank You For Supporting STT!


Refund Policy:

All À la carté orders can be canceled within 24 hours of purchase! After that I cannot refund any of your funds due to possible wasted time, supplies, and monies on getting ready for your order. Sorry for any inconvenience. However,I will allow rescheduling of treat date as long as it is communicated no less then 3 days before event date! All orders must be placed a minimum of 7 days before event date. 

All Sweet Treat Packages will also follow the above policy!

All custom theme orders are looked at by a case by case basis. Due to the treats being custom to fit your theme you have 24 hours to cancel your order. After that I cannot refund any of your funds due to possible wasted time, supplies, and monies on getting ready for your order. Sorry for any inconvenience. However,I will allow rescheduling of treat date as long as it is communicated no less then 3 days before event date! Depending on quantity orders can be placed a minimum of 7 days before event date. 

All last minute treat orders made 7 days or less away from event day are non-refundable! Please respect my time. This may also include a Last Minute Fee added to total depending on complexity of treats. 

If you order treats and the event is three weeks or more away you can receive a full refund!

Any refunds/cancellations/rescheduling may require a fee*

If you have any questions about our policy please feel free to reach out!